Theater News

St. Malachy’s, "The Actors’ Chapel," to Celebrate its Centennial with a Gala Benefit Dinner

Robert Cuccioli
Robert Cuccioli

To celebrate 100 years in the Broadway theater district, St. Malachy’s — "The Actors’ Chapel" — will be holding a gala benefit dinner at 6pm on Sunday, January 12, in the Astor Ballroom of the Marriott Marquis Hotel.

Author Mary Higgins Clark is chairing the Celebrity Committee for the event, and she has rounded up Robert Cuccioli (Jekyll and Hyde), Milo O’Shea (the revival of Philadelphia, Here I Come! and Meet Me in St. Louis), Frank and Malachy McCourt, and harpist/singer Kitty Sullivan for the event, which will be hosted by Jim Ryan, anchor of Fox Channel Five. Gerald Schoenfeld, Chairman of The Shubert Organization, will be accepting the Thomas F. Leahy Humanitarian Award in recognition of the organization’s contributions to civic and community affairs.

Over the course of its history, St. Malachy’s has found worshippers in such stars as Chris Farley, Florence Henderson, Bob Hope, Gregory Peck, and Spencer Tracy. The wedding of Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. and Joan Crawford was held there, as was Rudolph Valentino’s funeral mass. And the 1944 Bing Crosby-Barry Fitzgerald movie Going My Way was filmed there.

To purchase tickets for the event or for information on how to donate to St. Malachy’s, call Father Joseph Kelly at 212-489-1340.