Elska – Middle of Nowhere

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$10 - $15

About This Show

For ages 4+. Hiddi Hiddi! That’s how to say hello on the Island of Elska, the imaginary volcanic island off the coast of Iceland that is home to the singer Elska and a small population that includes her two-foot-tall best friend the Goobler, an arctic fox and a colony of lost socks. Middle of Nowhere, her award-winning debut album, is packed with kid-friendly electronic pop songs about life on the island. During her live show, a blend of theater, storytelling, and musical performance, Elska whisks away children and families on a musical tour of her Arctic home and introduces them to the island’s wonderful inhabitants. The performance is a spellbinding blend of bells, beats, twinkling synthesizers and one of the most endearing and lovely voices in family entertainment.

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 0min (0 intermissions)
Dates: One Night Only: November 8, 2015
Ticket Office: 703-790-012