William Shakespeare’s season comedic romp tells the story of young Viola, a noble young woman cast upon the shores of a strange land following a ship wreck from which she and the ship’s captain were the only survivors (or so she believes). In order to pass safely through the country, she dresses herself as a man. Arriving at the home of the country’s Duke, Orsino, she secures employment with him and immediately falls in love with him. But she cannot reveal herself to him. Orsino is in love with the beautiful Olivia, who is currently in mourning for her recently deceased brother. When Orsino sends his page boy (Viola) to deliver to Olivia his message of love, she responds by falling in love with the young "boy". Some of Shakespeare’s greatest comedic creations appear in Twelfth Night, including Sir Toby Belch, Malvolio the pompous, Feste the Clown, Maria the scullery maid and Sir Andrew Aguecheek