3rd I NY and Alwan present CROSSING OutLINES: Arab, Iranian & Asian Video Festival. 3rd I NY is a monthly film and music salon showcasing independent filmmakers and dj’s/musicians of South Asia and South Asian descent. 3rd I NY is affiliated with 3rd I, a national network with chapters in San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington D.C. 3rd I is committed to promoting diverse images of South Asians through
independent film. Alwan seeks to promote the arts and culture of Iran and the Arab World. Alwan has chapters in New York, Washington, D.C. and Houston.
Click here to purchase your festival pass for all shows.
Road 181
The filmmakers of Road 181 use the 1947 demarcation line as a physical metaphor for all the walls that have since been built to separate the two peoples. New borders have emerged, above all inside the heads of both Israelis and Palestinians. Nevertheless, bridges still exist. The three parts are titled The Center, The South and The North.
Part 1 begins at 1pm, Part 2 begins at 3pm and part 3 begins at 5pm.
Part of the Arab, Iranian & Asian Video Festival.