New York City
The Question is a performance inspired by the correspondence between an Italian woman, Barbara Bacci, and a death row inmate, Dominique Green, executed in Texas several years ago. As a boy, Dominique was condemned for a murder he always pleaded innocent to. He was executed as an adult after 14 years in jail. This is a story that happens in hundreds of cases. He is represented by legal aid and judged without any clear proof, in a speedy trial by a huge machine of indifference and injustice.
Dominique always believed he would be released, this belief is revealed in his diary. He writes poems, he paints, he even manages to fall in love, and he demands a future for himself. This means that the lethal injection that stopped his heart has not stopped his thoughts, words, and dreams.
The Question is an hour-long secular oratory, where theatre meets classical music and dance meets poetry. Through the rhythmic improvisation of percussion, a manifesto of irrevocable civil demands is made.