The Moose That Roared

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About This Show

On October 10, 1912, Theodore Roosevelt was shot in the chest by a crazed gunman before a campaign speech in Milwaukee. Refusing medical attention, he went on to speak for over an hour before finally agreeing to go to the hospital. The Moose that Roared is a bombastic reimagining of TR’s quixotic third-party bid for the presidency on the Bull Moose ticket in 1912. Using puppetry, musical interludes, found text, and Shakespeare, this is an irreverent celebration of the myth of the Bull Moose and the rebel spirit in American politics.

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 0min (0 intermissions)
Dates: Opening Night: June 12, 2012 Final Performance: June 23, 2012
Location: , New York City



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