New York City
Anton Chekhov’s The Bear is a timeless story of a man and a woman filled with laughter, love, sorrow, and vodka. Olexandr Kryzhanivsky directs this production by the Ukranian company, New Drama Theater on Pechersk. The music of Chaikovsky and Russian romance songs feature prominently in this production, which was a hit at the Edinburgh, Cairo, and Amman international theater festivals. Now, it’s come to the U.S. as part of the 5th annual New York International Fringe Festival.
Saturday, August 18 at 7pm
Sunday, August 19 at 10:45pm
Tuesday, August 21 at 3pm
Wednesday, August 22 at 9:15pm
Thuirsday, August 23 at 5pm
Friday, August 24 at 9:15pm
Saturday, August 25 at 3pm