In December of 2005, The Brick anointed the world with The Baby Jesus One-Act Jubilee, a collection of new plays featuring yuletide work by Young Jean Lee, Thomas Bradshaw, Jon Marans and nine other writers. This year, The Brick is resurrecting the tradition with The Baby Jesus One-Act Jubilee: Second Coming, a selection of world-premiere plays by some of New York’s most exciting young writers.
This year’s writers are Eric Bland (The Children of Truffaut), Emily Conbere (The Jamal Lullabies), Jason Craig (The Rise and Fall of the Rising Fallen), Matthew Freeman (The Most Wonderful Love), Jason Grote (1001), Jakob Holder (Darktime in Skipland), Qui Nguyen (Men of Steel), Carolyn Raship (Antarctica), Bob Saietta (Yudkowski Returns!), Eric Sanders (fuckplays), Aaron Mack Schloff (The Flight of Icarus), and Marc Spitz (Shyness Is Nice).