Young Minds Productions presents the New York premiere of Spare Change at The New York International Fringe Festival. Acclaimed Seattle Fringe Festival veteran Pauline Luppert’s award winning play is about young advertising prodigy Cynastine Oliver. Gwenyth Rietz directs.
Cynastine- aided by the spirit of her recently deceased rival, her corrupt mentor, her chauvinist boss, a homeless astrophysicist, a psychic ex-marine, and her teenage lover- throws away her fast paced upwardly mobile career and disrupts the Super Bowl on a quest to cure the world’s worst yeast infection.
Saturday, August 14 at Midnight
Tuesday, August 17 at 7:30pm
Thursday, August 19 at 5:45pm
Wednesday, August 25 at 3pm
Saturday, August 28 at 10:15pm