About This Show

New York Theatre Experiment is once again hosting an exclusive Industry Night. This is a chance to save over $100 on an evening that would cost much more at an institution such as One on One or Actors Connection. Register in advance on Theatermania so NYTE can pull the appropriate audition material for you. At New York Theatre Experiment’s exclusive, intimate Industry Night, you’ll have the opportunity to audition for and ask questions of industry professionals. The panel will include Katja Blichfeld (NBC), Rori Bergman (numerous independent film projects), Jodi Collins (Jodi Collins Casting) and Maria Higgins (Julie Tucker Casting). Go to New York Theatre Experiment’s page on Facebook to read full bios for each of the panelists. The format will include a 20 minute group question and answer session with the panel, followed by one-on-one auditions with cold sides given upon arrival. The event will begin at 7:30pm at Manhattan Theatre Club. Reservations are required. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity!

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: November 19, 2008
Location: Manhattan Theatre Club Studio, New York City

311 W 43rd St,

New York,


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