New York City
Double Occupancy, directed by Virginia Scott, features two solo shows performed back to back: Bodhichitta, written and performed by Sidse Ploug Soerensen, and Faulty:Hitch, written and performed by Wendy Herlich.
In Bodhichitta, Claire goes to India and feels moved to do something, so she paints her kitchen off-white. Cookie is an aspiring actress whose strongest skill is impersonating her father. Faith is waiting for someone from a past life to publish her book. Bodhichitta is a comedic portrait of three women who are all at forks in the road, and are struggling to let go in order to move forward.
In Faulty:Hitch, we meet Louise, who divulges the secrets of her success in getting the perfect SAT score. But she isn’t in high school, she is 40 years old. And she’s taken it nine other times. Faulty:Hitch examines with absurdity and hilarity one woman’s struggle to find faith in herself.