New York City
Our annual Winter One-Act Festival
featuring new short plays by WorkShop playwrights!
The Latest News From the Primordial Ooze
by Rich Orloff • directed by Wendy Seyb
Look Me in the Eyes
by Margo Hammond • directed by Kathryn Long
Nine Moons Ago
by Anne Fizzard • directed by Gerrianne Raphael
Now You See It, Now You Don’t
by Robert Strozier • directed by Elena Araoz
by Scott C. Sickles • directed by Ryan Lee
To Build a Fire
by Greg Oliver Bodine, based on the short story by Jack London • directed by Thomas Coté
To Live
by Bob Manus • directed by Daniel Damiano
Fascinating parallels, prehistoric silliness, delicate romance,
and valiant struggles for survival and sanity!
It’s holiday time at the WorkShop!