A Comedy by A. R. Gurney, Jr.
“One of the most involving, beautiful, funny, touching and profound plays I have ever seen.” – New York Daily News
After 22 years of child rearing in the suburbs, Greg and Kate return to live in Manhattan. Then Greg brings home a dog that he found–or that found him–bearing the name “Sylvia” on her nametag. A street-smart mix of Lab and Poodle, Sylvia soon becomes a bone of contention between husband and wife. For Greg, Sylvia offers an escape from the frustrations of his job and the unknowns of middle age. For Kate, Sylvia becomes a rival for affection. And Sylvia (who can talk) thinks Kate just doesn’t understand the relationship between man and dog.
Box Office Open: Fri & Sat 11 AM to 3 PM, and two hours before curtain
Additional performances at 2 PM Sundays May 29, June 5
Group Sales Number (25+): 508-945-0510
Appropriate For Ages: 14+