New York City
The hit musical is based on the 2005 Miramax film written by Geoff Dean and Tim Firth, and tells the heartwarming story of Charlie Price, who has reluctantly inherited his father’s shoe factory, which is on the verge of bankruptcy. Trying to live up to his father’s legacy and save his family business, Charlie finds inspiration in the form of a fabulous entertainer in need of some sturdy stilettos, Lola. As it turns out, Lola is the one person who can help Charlie become the man that he is meant to be. As they work to turn the factory around, this unlikely pair find that they have more in common than they ever dreamed possible…and discover that, when you change your mind about someone, you can change your whole world. This joyous show is sure to have audiences dancing in the aisle and discovering, sometimes, the best way to fit in…is to stand out!