New York City
With just five plays, Sarah Kane changed the face of British theatre. Blasted is where it all began.
The award-winning Graeae Theatre Company takes audiences through the dark landscapes of playwright Sarah Kane – from a gleaming hotel room, where two ex-lovers meet, through threats and spite to personal brutality and further, as violence seems to engulf the world and all becomes damaged. Be warned, Blasted is a shocking, divisive play. Its first performance was both heralded as a masterpiece and condemned by the Daily Mail as “a disgusting feast of filth.” But there is also lightness and hope in this fierce report from love’s bleakest battlegrounds. Directed by Jenny Sealey.
Blasted incorporates British Sign Language & Audio Description.
Additional Schedule & Ticket Information:
In addition to the regular schedule, 4:00pm matinees are arranged for 27 January and 3 February.
A post-show discussion, entitled “War, Journalism and How Kane’s World Communicates to the Wider World,” is arranged for 22 January.
Tickets prices are: £10.00 from 16 – 20 January; £15.00 from 22 – 27 January; and £20.00 from 29 January – 3 February.