About This Show

The Good Doctor is a composite of Neil Simon and Anton Chekhov. In one sketch, a harridan storms a bank and upbraids the manager for his gout and lack of money. In another, a father takes his son to a house where he will be initiated into the mysteries of sex, only to relent at the last moment and leave the boy more perplexed than ever. In another sketch, a crafty seducer goes to work on a wedded woman, only to realize that the woman has been in command from the first overture. Let us not forget the classic tale of a man who offers to drown himself for three rubles. The stories are droll, the portraits affectionate, the humor infectious, and the fun unending.

There will be an additional Sunday Matinee on April 3 at 2pm.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: March 25, 2005 Final Performance: April 9, 2005
Location: John Hand Theater, CFU's Lowry Campus, Colorado

7653 E 1st Pl,



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