About This Show

Red Herring is a comic fable of love and politics. The play follows three couples (20s, 30s and 40s/50s) in an intricate plot that juggles three stories of love, one of nuclear espionage, and one of murder. It is 1952: America is on the verge of the H-bomb, Dwight Eisenhower is on the campaign trail, and I Love Lucy is on Monday nights. Meanwhile, Senator Joe McCarthy’s daughter just got engaged to a Soviet spy, and detective Maggie Pelletier has to find out who dumped the dead guy in Boston Harbor–or else lose out on a honeymoon in Havana. A hilarious, blunt-nosed, sharp-eyed look at love and tying (untying, and retying) the knot.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: April 21, 2007 Final Performance: May 26, 2007
Location: John Hand Theater, CFU's Lowry Campus, Colorado

7653 E 1st Pl,



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