About This Show

The BFF Binge Fringe Festival of Theatre, the only free Fringe Festival in the country, presents a Halloween celebration with this captivating one-man show that invites audiences into the extraordinary world of a singer-songwriter who shies away from the limelight but basks in the euphoria of creative adventures. Meet the enigmatic protagonist, a multi-platinum songwriter and singer, contentedly concealed from the frenzy of fame -- preferring the human connections and chance encounters that exist in his artful dodger world. This intimate performance chronicles his journey of artistic liberation and self-discovery, skillfully interweaving tales of triumphs and travails. Harold has written songs for such diverse artists as Rod Stewart, Patti Labelle, Carlos Santana as well as longtime collaborator, Bobby Womack; and literally from Peter Paul & Mary to Snoop Dogg. He has also created customized songs for Regis Philbin, Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul),

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 0min (0 intermissions)
Dates: One Night Only: October 31, 2023
Location: Santa Monica Playhouse - The Other Space, California

1211 4th St,

Santa Monica,


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Ticket Office: (310) 394-9779