New York City
Victor, a wealthy American expatriate living in Paris in 1961, owns the fabulous Café du Grand Boeuf, the world’s greatest restaurant reserved solely for his private use. He arrives one summer evening after a trip to Madrid in a very bleak mood–his idol Ernest Hemingway has just committed suicide, and Victor’s doomed love affair has finally ended. As his fastidiously French staff fusses over him, he announces his decision to starve himself to death! The staff attempts to dissuade Victor by seducing him with culinary delights, but they find that the way to a man’s heart may not be through his stomach. This dark comedy that the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin calls "a humorous dish of witty wordplay" celebrates the joys of cooking, bullfighting, sex, and the works of Hemingway in a funny yet bittersweet tale of the absurdities and contradictions inherent in being human. From the author of last season’s hit comedy Red Herring.