About This Show

Personal Effects is a one-woman show, written and performed by Susanna Burney and directed by Heidi Heimark. The title refers to belongings left behind, lost, found, and given away, and the spirits that inhabit houses and reach out to us in the dark. As a child, Burney believed an alien had entered her body prior to birth for the purpose of exploring human life on earth. Is this why she?s an actress; the best way she can complete her mission as an alien explorer of the human experience? By telling strange true stories from her own life, Burney tries to figure out what to do with all this stuff that piles up, is thrust upon us, and makes us who we are.
All performances on Thursday are Pay-What-You-Will.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: October 27, 2000 Final Performance: November 18, 2000
Location: Union Garage, Washington

1418 10th Ave,



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