United States Air Force Heritage Winds

About This Show

The Perkinson Center is proud to present the United States Air Force Heritage Winds, performing the works of Schubert & Stravinsky!  This is a FREE EVENT open to all!

United States Air Force Heritage Winds Dectet
October 10, 2022
Jimmy Dean Theater

Heritage Winds is the wind dectet component of the United States Air Force Heritage of America Band. As professional Airmen, the musicians of Heritage Winds are dedicated to using the power of music to honor our veterans, inspire patriotism, communicate the Air Force story, and recruit those who are interested in serving our nation.

Heritage Winds offers innovative programming that covers a wide array of musical styles. The group embraces the full range of the woodwind ensemble repertoire, to include classics by composers such as Paul Taffanel and Carl Nielsen, extending to more contemporary works by 21st century composers. The unique style of the Heritage Winds provides audiences with an engaging and unforgettable concert experience.

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: October 10, 2022