About This Show

Voices Underwater, by Abi Basch, reveals what happens when an interracial couple — Emma, a Jewish woman, and Franklin, an African-American — head South to explore a deserted Alabama house that Emma has mysteriously inherited. Their simple trip is shattered by a violent storm and they’re forced to take refuge in the attic. As the floodwaters rise, the house’s past inhabitants swell from the walls forcing them to face their buried histories and related legacies.

1864: a Southern plantation home, now hospital for wounded Union Soldiers like Albert who have fiercely fought for liberation. He aches to feel his legs, to embrace a lost lover, and to speak freely. Pouring rain. 1923: the same, now headquarters for a KKK Wizard where his teen daughter Jennie, who aches deeply for a dark boy fiercely forbidden by her daddy, turns voyeurism into murder. Pouring rain. 2005: very same, now empty. Franklin and Emma must take refuge in the attic during a storm where a painful flood of toxic discrimination torments them across time and threatens to rend their relationship. Can they openly be who others could not?

Box Office Hours: One hour before show time

Group Sales Number (10+): 215-407-0556

Appropriate for all ages.

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 30min (0 intermissions)
Dates: Opening Night: August 30, 2006 Final Performance: September 10, 2006
Location: Adrienne Theatre, Pennsylvania

2030 Sansom St,



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