New York City
Ya Mama! is a one woman show that explores how being an artist, a wife, a mother, a Christian, and a Black woman collide in my life. “I have an unrealized relationship with my biological mother, who died when I was very young and a confusing relationship with my stepmother, who is living. The experiences are diametrically opposed as I shape who I am as a mother of three; something neither of them did. And how do I balance all of the things that make me, ‘me’? Sometimes, I don’t…How will this fadge?”
Nina, who was last seen at CPT in her heralded performance of No Child, once again plays multiple characters in this seamless one-woman show that swings from comedy to tragedy.
Ya Mama! was developed as part of CPT’s Big Box performance series and accepted into the 2011 New York Fringe Festival.