Danny, King of the Basement

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$19.00 Adults; $10.00 Children (under 14)

About This Show

Young, resilient, intelligent and imaginative Danny moves to a new basement apartment with his mother after a two-year stretch of constantly changing living arrangements. Danny’s mother, Louise, is determined to find a job, and Danny is determined his new apartment will not be more than a short-term adventure. He soon befriends Angelo and Penelope, two children living in his building who are attempting to cope with their own personal issues.

Angelo is a fun-loving kid who wants nothing more than to make his jobless father happy, and Penelope is an attention-seeking girl trying to cope with her parents’ divorce. Danny and his new friends help each other cope with their problems by indulging in Danny’s scenario game in which he and everyone around him are secret agents on an ever-changing series of missions. The play ends with a positive message and a new beginning for Danny, surrounded by family and friends who care for him.

Recommended for Ages: 8+

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: March 24, 2007