About This Show

The last opera by one of the longest-lived composers in history, Capriccio turns the tables on audience members, giving them a glimpse of life in the theater from the other side of the curtain. Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly), what happens behind the scenes is filled with as much drama and comedy as what takes place onstage! The plot revolves around the Countess — a supporter of the arts, just like you — and her courtship by both a composer and a playwright (poet?). In choosing one over the other, she plans to answer this age-old question: Which is more important to opera, the music or the words?

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: June 16, 2018 Final Performance: June 18, 2018
Location: El Museo Del Barrio, New York City

1230 5th Ave,

New York,


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