Speak Out is an original drama created by Tom Marion and the students of York College. With live music and singing Speak Out features the words of Malcolm X, Cesar Chavez, Bobby Seale, Frederick Douglass, Fannie Lou Hamer, and many other American activist voices that have spoken out in order to establish a more perfect union.
Speak Out brings the spoken word alive in a theatrically exciting fashion as it highlights a pertinent issue confronting our country- the meaning of American patriotism and how it relates to each of us. What is the meaning of the American flag? Is there something unique, eternal, and indestructible in the American idea? What responsibility does each of us hold to our country? If you have ever been concerned with our country’s leadership, or have ever desired to change our country’s stance on important issues, or stand up for your concerns and make your voice heard, Speak Out is about you. Don’t miss this unique experience!