New York City
A USO-style variety show, hosted by downtown diva Queen Esther (the ?Unemployed Superstar?), the Tribeca Playhouse Stage-Door Canteen is a chance for the workers of ground zero to relax and be entertained by some of New York?s finest talent. It is also an opportunity for New York performers to show their appreciation to the men and women who are working so tirelessly for our city.
Admission is free, there are no tickets or reservations. Seating is first come, first served with priority given to all the workers at the World Trade Center site: all Fire and Police Department personnel, all military personnel, all emergency workers, all construction crews, Verizon and Red Cross workers etc. Also, donations will be collected at every performance with all proceeds going to the Twin Towers Fund.
Line-up for Monday, October 29 includes Tony Award-winner Kristin Chenoweth, The Full Monty?s Annie Golden and Genovis Albright and Madame Pat Tandy of Good Time Blues.