Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy, Macbeth was written in a transparent effort to curry favor with Elizabeth’s successor, James I, whose entertainment preferences ran more to pageant than play. James was fascinated with witches – even writing a book on the subject himself – so "double, double toil and trouble" was born. Not stopping there, Shakespeare included a hefty role for James’ ancestor, Banquo, with a pointed reference to the royal ancestry. Add to that a crowd-pleasing measure of sex and violence, all told in the bard’s inimitable style – well, even James couldn’t resist. Viewed as a cautionary tale of the chaos following a king’s murder, The Tragedy of Macbeth was certainly an entertaining piece of propaganda.
Macbeth will be produced virtually uncut, following both historical and textual cues, honoring Shakespeare’s craft by selecting production elements simply to serve this story of one man’s fateful journey from good to evil. Initially manipulated by his cougar wife, a mistress of sexual politics, Macbeth abandons "the milk of human kindness" to pursue a fantasy future starring himself as the King of Scotland. Working in collaboration with his carefully chosen ensemble, Director Harborth will illuminate the human cause and effect of the downward spiral of choices that form the backbone of this play.
There will be a special "pay-what-you-will" performance on Monday, July 25, at 7:30pm; at the door you will be able to “pay-what-you-will” for your admission.