New York City
La MaMa presents the world premiere of The Etiquette of Death, a Chris Tanner Production co-directed by Everett Quinton and Julie Atlas Muz, and choreographed by Julie Atlas Muz, with contributions by a slew of New York’s finest downtown artists.
Contributing writers and composers include Penny Arcade, Lance Cruce, Angela DiCarlo, Martha Girdler, Jeremy Halpern, John Jesurun, Beena Kamlani, Taylor Mac, Stephen McCauley, Edgar Oliver, Brandon Olson, Greta Jane Pedersen, Jon Ritter, Penny Rockwell, Tony Stavick, Sebastian Stuart and Chris Tanner.
Death is a messy and terrifying horror. Or, it can be a quiet, unapologetic thief in the night. For the past twenty-five years living in the East Village Chris Tanner has been surrounded by death. He’s obsessed with how the dying and those who love them behave in the face of it. When you explore the artifice and manners that surround this unruly journey – the etiquette of death — the outcome can be absurd, paradoxical, wrenching, and at times, hilarious. He’s asked a group of artists he admires to help him put together a collage of scenes, songs, poetry, music and dance that explores the “Etiquette of Death.”