New York City
The WorkShop Theater Company presents Skin Deep, a new romantic comedy. The play is written by Jon Lonoff, and will be directed by Marc Raphael.
Skin Deep centers on Maureen Mulligan – large, lovable, unkempt and over 40. She is wise in many ways but alone, due to her belief that she is overweight and not attractive enough to be loved. In contrast, her closest sister, Sheila, has become obsessed with cosmetics and plastic surgery – out of her own insecurity about her marriage to Squire Whiting, a handsome, successful lawyer in his family’s prestigious firm. Sheila convinces a reluctant Maureen to go on a date for the first time in fifteen years. Joe Spinelli, an awkward, sweet guy from Bensonhurst, arrives and is immediately attracted to the warm and vital Maureen, but Maureen is so insecure that she sends Joe packing. Urged on by Sheila and Joe, Squire convinces Maureen to stop burying her sorrows in pizza and Chinese takeout – and accept Joe at his word. After all, beauty is only skin deep.
Additional performance: Monday, November 10th at 8pm
There will be a talkbalk session following the November 13th with Stephen T. Greenberg, MD, a nationally recognized expert in the field of cosmetic plastic surgery, and Susan Georget, founder of the “Plus Size” Division at Wilhelmina Modeling in 1994.