New York City
Set in San Francisco on the eve of the 1989 earthquake, Sin is a biting comedy about “Avery Bly On High,” a helicopter-flying traffic reporter who looks down on the world in more ways than one. Considering herself above life’s tawdry messiness, she’s more than a little judgmental about others’ imperfections. Unfortunately Avery’s life is filled with imperfect people, each of whom represents one of the Seven Deadly Sins: her soon-to-be ex-husband is a slothful alcoholic, her roommate is a glutton who’s getting fatter by the day, her closest co-worker is consumed with envy, etc. It takes Avery’s gay brother, dying from AIDS in a hospital, to make her see that Pride is the deadliest of sins. And it takes an Act of God and a chain of tragedies to finally bring Avery down from the heights once and for all.