New York City
For the first time in its history The Great Jones Company will be in repertory. The company will present seven Greek plays in repertory over four weeks. The plays will be the Greek Trilogy–Medea, Electra, and Trojan Women, directed by Andrei Serban, with music composed by Elizabeth Swados. Three will be the Oepidus Saga. They are Mythos Oedipus, Seven Against Thebes, and Antigone. These plays will be directed by Ellen Stewart with music composed by Elizabeth Swados, Ellen Stewart, Genji Ito, Yukio Tsuji, and Michael Sirotta. The seventh play will be Dionysus: Filius Dei, directed by Ellen Stewart with original music composed by Alan Bezozi, Genji Ito, Bob Morffi, Heather Paauwe, and Michael Sirotta.
Every production of this repertory company features the most multi-cultural cast seen on any stage. The cultures represented in this cast include American, Turkish, Latino, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Roumanian, Israeli, Barbados, Chinese, Vietnamese and Ugandan. All Great Jones productions are sung, danced and performed to an original score that also incorporates the music of Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas.
Detailed Show Schedule
Wed. 5/19: Antigone at 7:30pm (BENEFIT — Tickets $100)
Thu. 5/20: Antigone at 7:30pm
Fri. 5/21: Antigone at 7:30pm
Sat. 5/22: Antigone at 3pm and 7:30pm
Sun. 5/23: Oedipus, Seven Against Thebes & Antigone at 7:00pm
Mon. 5/24: Oedipus & Seven Against Thebes at 7:30pm
Wed. 5/26: Dionysus at 7:30pm
Fri. 5/28: Medea & Trojan Women at 7:30pm
Sat. 5/29: Medea & Trojan Women at 7:30pm
Sun. 5/30: Electra & Trojan Women at 7:30pm
Mon. 5/31: Electra & Trojan Women at 7:30pm
Wed. 6/2: Dionysus at 7:30pm
Fri. 6/4: Oedipus & Seven Against Thebes at 7:30pm
Sat. 6/5: Antigone at 7:30pm
Sun. 6/6: Medea & Trojan Women at 7:30pm
Mon. 6/7: Electra & Trojan Women at 7:30pm
Wed. 6/9: Dionysus at 7:30pm
Fri. 6/11:Oedipus & Seven Against Thebes at 7:30pm
Sat. 6/12: Antigone at 3pm & 7:30pm
Sun. 6/13: Electra, Medea, & Trojan Women at 7pm