New York City
Dramatics NYC presents the world premiere of Samuel the Fourth, a dark new comedy in the vein of Durang and David Lindsay-Abaire by Maria Ferrari, directed by Jesse Geiger and featuring Dramatics NYC founder Larry “Rock” Kolber.
Margaret and Gregory are struggling to raise Samuel, the clone of the son that they have lost 3 times, mostly to suicide. An otherwise likable guy, Sam is emotionally paralyzed by the knowledge that someone has tried to live his life three times and failed. At 23, he still lives with his parents. His only friends are the ghosts of predecessors, a 70’s drag queen, a bored waiter from the 50’s, and a young toddler, all genetically identical but psychologically unique. Meanwhile, unwilling to lose another child, Margaret overcompensates by being completely controlling while tragedy has left Gregory utterly passive and unwilling to deny his wife anything. Things come to a head when a homeless man sells Samuel a gun, sending Margaret into full on red alert. With twisted characters, puppets and clones, Maria Ferrari has found a unique metaphor for the quarter life crisis.
Friday, October 29th @ 8pm
Saturday, October 30th @ 8pm
Monday, November 1st @ 8pm (industry)
Thursday, November 4th @ 8pm
Friday, November 5th @ 8pm
Saturday, November 6th @ 3pm (matinee)
Saturday, November 6th @ 8pm
Sunday, November 7th @ 7pm
Wednesday, November 10th @ 8pm
Thursday, November 11th @ 8pm
Friday, November 12th @ 8pm
Saturday, November 13th @ 8pm