Stylistically, this series forsakes the glam visuals (and clunky dialogue) of The L Word for the wheat-free, tofu-fed gentle humor of an Alison Bechdel comic strip. There are the obligatory jealousies, axe-grinding, one-night stands and partner-swapping of the genre. But there’s a lot more good, clean drama: a murdered cop, a kidnapping, a vampire mystery and a documentary film that might or might not get funded. The scripting challenge, according to one writer, Jess Barbagallo, is “getting to write a smarter and more specific script of how a bunch of lesbians might live in an ideal world where they are the majority.”Off Off Online (Samantha O’Brien) described Room for Cream as “Cheers with lesbians and coffee.” The cast was cited for its comic timing and the scripts for their snappy dialogue. The review explained, “the characters’ problems range from tenderly familiar to comically over-the-top….things open with a forbidden love and end in hot pursuit of kidnappers, with some peeping toms, supply-room trysts, and muffins in between. Who knew the Berkshires could be so action-packed?”