About This Show

A comic romp, Romance.com takes a light hearted look at internet dating. Pam Bass is a single schoolteacher who decides to try to find someone online. When she meets freelance writer Alan Fischer and his sidekick, Bill Wright, the intriuge begins. Is Alan really interested in dating Pam or is he just using the relationship to gain valuable information for an upcoming article? Book and score by Joe Simonelli, the playwright who brought you the hilarious comedy Men Are Dogs.

There is no performance on Sunday, April 8.

Groups (25+): 732-291-5410

Show Details

Running Time: 2hr 0min (1 intermission)
Dates: Opening Night: March 30, 2007 Final Performance: April 15, 2007
Location: Richmond Shepard Theatre, New York City

309 E 26th St,

New York,


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