About This Show

Theater by the Blind presents Pieces, a festival of readings of new plays by and about the blind. The productions and performance dates are as follows:
June 9-10: Jerry Lee’s Dr. Rat, an adaptation of William Kotzwinkle’s exciting, cult novel about an animal revolution.
June 11-12: Gloria Clark’s Do You Believe in Angels, a blind woman, against all odds, insists on caring for her aunt with Alzheimer’s and Morton Main’s Opus 111, a visual artist faces her loss of sight.
June 12-13: Deborah Abramson (music), Jesse Kearney (book), and Peter Mills’ (Lyrics) The Blind Man, a musical adaptation of D.H. Lawrence’s short story.
June 14-15: Ike Schambelan’s 60 in 2000, 4 friends from Yale Drama confront turning 60 and dealing with mortality, sex, and ambition.
June 16-17: Vincent Cuccia’s Mourning of the Assumption, gay morality play about the struggle between lust and relationships.
June 19-20: Scott Klavan’s The Day of the Triffids, an adaptation of John Wyndha,’s classic sci-fi novel about a meteor shower that leaves most everyone blind.
June 21-22: Pamela Sabaugh’s Terra Firma, a radio drama about a visually impaired artist searching for roots in a world full of animal desire, altering her perception of what it means to connect.
June 23-24: Gary Bergman’s Bergman’s Delight, a trio of witty, humorous and poignant two character plays.
Performances are free to the public

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: June 9, 2000 Final Performance: June 24, 2000