One Breath, Then Another: An Interactive Yoga Show

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About This Show

One Breath, Then Another: An Interactive Yoga Show chronicles Amanda Miller’s month long experience studying yoga on an ashram in India. The show depicts her quest for healing and empowerment to avoid destroying herself like her father. Practices in her training conjure memories of her father’s lung cancer and death, in addition to her own struggles with mental health. As she trains to become a yoga teacher, she reflects deeply on mortality and the workings of her mind, learning to let go and surrender to the present moment, inviting the audience to do the same. Amanda plays herself, her father, a friend, and the elderly ashram leader, Purnima. Interactive elements include breathing exercises, chanting, yoga poses, and meditation.

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 0min (0 intermissions)
Dates: Opening Night: December 4, 2013 Final Performance: December 7, 2013
Location: Manhattan Repertory Theatre, New York City

303 W 42nd St,

New York,


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Amanda Miller Amanda, Dad, Purnima, Whitney