About This Show

Created & performed by Shayna Strype
Live Feed Camera/Dramaturgy by Desiree Mitton

A mountain, mined of her insides, collapses into rubble. Near the wreckage, a marriage ends and the home grieves the loss of the family it once housed. Underground, a groundhog hoards an enormous collection of the family’s discarded sentimental items. As the Rubble, the Home, and the Groundhog attempt to reassemble the remnants of their crumbled histories, their worlds begin to merge and intertwine.

Mine uses a variety of puppetry styles, live-feed projections, stop-motion animation, wearable sculptures, and humor to weave together themes of nostalgia, excess, and the destructive human urge to colonize land, bodies, and minds.

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 30min (0 intermissions)
Dates: One Night Only: March 17, 2020
Location: Dixon Place, New York City

161A Chrystie St,

New York,


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Ticket Office: 2122190736