New York City
People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, as William Shakespeare ably points out in Measure for Measure, a scathing critique on moral attitudes, presented by Shakespeare at Love Creek (SaLC). The play is directed by SaLC artistic director Beverly Bullock.
When Duke Vincentio, ruler of Vienna, circa 1600, decides to leave the city suddenly, he leaves his trusted friend Lord Angelo to temporarily govern in his place. Angelo, a pious sort, decides to “clean up,” the town, shutting down the city’s brothels and locking up everyone who does not have a firm moral compass. Unfortunately, Angelo finds himself lacking this very instrument when the beautiful (and virginal) Isabella comes to plead for her brother, who was arrested for having sex with Juliet – a woman who’s not his wife, despite the sex being consensual and that the two plan to marry. Angelo promises Isabella he will spare her brother’s life, if she’ll sleep with him.