A quirky satire featuring Betsey Parsait, a woman obsessed with Martha Stewart. Join Betsey’s family and friends for a Thanksgiving dinner that serves up hearty portions of family dysfunction and laughs. Beware the perils of striving for perfection! Perfect Salad Productions presents Martha & Me: A Musical, featuring a book by Sunny Turner and music & lyrics by Robert Rokicki. Adam Levi directs.
Part of the New York International Fringe Festival.
Sunday, August 15 @ 8:45pm
Wednesday, August 18 @ 3:00pm
Saturday, August 21 @ 9:15pm
Monday, August 23 @ 9:45pm
Thursday, August 26 @ 6:15pm
Saturday, August 28 @ 2:45pm
Sunday, August 29 @ 12:00 Noon