New York City
Marry Me A Little answers the question, “What can you do on a Saturday Night alone?” through the compelling music of Stephen Sondheim. In a concept developed and conceived by Craig Lucas, two lonely souls express themselves through a variety of powerfully-moving and comedic songs. Marry Me A Little stars Jimmy Blackman and Chelsey Keding.
Also on the bill is the world premiere of Orange Alert written by Caroline Koeppel. In this one-act comedy, starring Karen Plonsky and Walter Hoffman, potential soul mates find each other in a building’s basement laundry room. Through Koeppel’s cynical comedic style, the characters confront their options of surviving Armageddon during a 2002 Orange Alert. Directed by James Schwatzman, these two plays make for a fun evening of entertainment. This double bill is presented in Studio 3D.