Lucky devil Theatre Company presents Madonna In The Title, a balls-to-the-wall comedy that lives up to the label “Fringe Theater” and then some. With a cast of characters that hang out somewhere between the boundaries of ridiculous and farcical, the show is an exploitative comedy about two dimwits who orchestrate a suicide as a way to get money to produce an exploitative comedy starring Madonna!
Ger is a loose cannon who has no problem convincing his “bitch on wheels” wife, Sis, to commit suicide. His lover, Jaxx, has no problem using the insurance money to produce Madonna’s next starring role. Throw in a drag queen and you’ve got one helluva evening! Expect the unexpected as Lucky devil Theatre Company brings you high camp, high actors and a big “Hi” from everyone’s favorite Material Mom.
Madonna In The Title is written by Anthony Mario Gelsomino and directed by Eric Pliner.
Friday Aug. 8th at 8pm
Tuesday Aug. 12th at 3:15pm
Saturday Aug. 16th at 10:15pm
Tuesday Aug. 19th at 9:15pm
Thursday Aug. 21st at 3:00pm
Friday Aug. 22nd at 11:15pm