Chaos is a constant threat in Madness of Day, a piece for one actor, live videofeed
and live sound, based on a text by French writer Maurice Blanchot.
In a room menaced by its own hyper normality, a man is exposed to the terror of
erosion and disappearance. At the heart of his confrontation with the eyeshattering
lights of reason and unreason, are echoes of the current US metapolitical
climate in a text that deals (perhaps!) with war, torture, totalitarianism
and collective amnesia, and whose secret historical backdrop is shot through
with memories of Vichy and the Algerian War. Multiple cameras constellate the
space; the audience is cast as potential captor/judge/voyeur/intruder amid
walls gleaming with images at play of what seems to be the architecture of an
unbearable loneliness and disorientation.