New York City
Set in Belfast, Ireland in the 1980s, Tim Marks’ riveting drama Locating the Plant centers around two brothers separated by years and miles. Barry is a successful New York-based entrepreneur who, having fled his homeland long ago, returns to set up an Aerospace plant. Then there’s his elder brother Kieran, a convicted member of the IRA who has recently returned from 15 years in prison. The only common bond the two have now is their love for their Ma, whose loyalty to Kieran is absolute. While her love and pride for Barry, who supported her while Kieran was in jail, is very strong, it’s clouded by the fact that he’s become a virtual stranger to her. As Barry’s plans sorely test Kieran’s loyalty to both family and the Cause he has pledged his life to, even a mother’s love for her sons may not be enough to stop disaster from striking.
The final performance on Sunday, October 1 is a 2pm matinee.