About This Show

I’ll Be Seeing You is a new work that uses the music and the culture of the movie musicals of the 1940’s and 1950’s, to examine the cultural and societal importance and function of entertainment, generally, and music, specifically, in a wartime society. The show is completely sung or played through using music and songs that have been pulled from popular movie musicals of the era. Interwoven with these songs are a handful of wartime songs that were popular with both the troops here and over seas. The dramatic action of the piece, which takes place through song and dance, centers around a group of three soliders who are sent over seas to join the war effort. Through their stories, the piece explores the importance of song as a means of expression and as an avenue for release in a time of high tension; through their lives we examine the idea of ‘dancing through’, of singing and dancing and loving through a difficult time.

Appropriate For Ages: 7 +

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 30min (1 intermission)
Dates: Opening Night: November 1, 2006 Final Performance: November 4, 2006
Location: The 45th Street Theatre - Upstairs, New York City

354 W 45th St,

New York,


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