Svetlana, an environmental scientist and refugee from Serbia, has invented an inexpensive additive to make all CO2 emissions visible. The Senator wonders whether the additive will help save the world, or simply kill his chances at re-election. He invents his own an emission-less prototype – a large tricycle.
Amy, the legislative aid to the Senator is trying to muscle a bill (which would force gas stations to use the additive) through committee. However, an evil lobbyist Heather stands in the way. Early in the play, they meet warily to gauge each other’s power, but end up in a love clench.
Heather catches up with Svetlana and assures that her additive will kill hundreds of jobs around the country.
We learn of Amy’s passion-less marriage to Sam and the complicated personal history of Heather. Heather purrs that the coming climate disaster is nothing but one more natural disaster. We (humans) must prepare for the coming Armageddon, not attempt to stop it.