New York City
The Queen’s Company presents Marlowe’s Edward II.
Will love survive the jealous fury of an intolerant nation? See the true
story of a King who defied his Queen and his Country to pursue his passion
for a common man. This riveting tale of the struggle for the heart of a King
is filled with twists and turns that will surprise and tantalize.
Are we free to follow our hearts? Can conventional power and unconventional passion share a throne, or must the ensuing tension tear a leader and his country apart?
Join The Queen’s Company this Fall for this rarely performed masterpiece of
passion, politics and betrayal as only our all-female, ethnically-diverse ensemble can present it – a tour de force of romance, action, adventure,
comedy, tragedy, music and movement.
There are Matinees on Sunday, October 17th and October 24th at 2pm. There will be no evening performance on October 24th.