New York City
CRAM, the follow-up to the critically acclaimed Drawn, is a meeting place where individual performance works are sequenced and collaged. Each of the simultaneous solos, strewn throughout the factory’s many spaces, utilizes everday objects in surprising ways–through sculptural alterations, electronic sound, installation and performative actions.
Structured in the manner of a children’s storybook or fairytale, CRAM will include a large scale noise installation by Matt Bauder in which motion sensors will generate a unique soundscape when traversed by performers wearing blindolds; a series of homegrown musical instruments fashioned out of architectural salvage by Kate Ten Eyck, which will accompany a dance by Lily Skove; a “living sculputre” by Aki Sasamoto incorporating potatoes as percussion instruments; a sound installation by Dan St. Clair involving amplified car horns; and a “live horror film” by Arturo Vidich, which will use the cinematic technique of first-person simulation, embedding video cameras in masks worn throughout the live performance.
Each of CRAM’s individual elements has been created seperately and combined mere days before the actual performance. The Factory’s storefront gallery will host a collection of notes, objects and drawings realted to this process.