Music by Charles Strouse
Lyrics by Lee Adams
Book by Michael Stewart
Directed by Steve Bebout
America’s all time favorite rock and roll musical includes so many catchy songs and riotous moments that audiences will be tapping their feet and rolling in the aisles. Young rock idol Conrad Birdie (a spoof on Elvis Presley) is drafted into the army. Before his much anticipated induction, he pays a visit a small town to give a typical teen age girl an all-American “good-bye kiss.” His promoter thinks about the all the money that can be made if he can get this special event booked on The Ed Sullivan Show. The entire town of Sweet Apple, Ohio goes into a swoon and is captivated by the arrival of “Birdie.” Full of hit tunes like “A Lot of Livin’ to Do”, Put on A Happy Face”, “We Love You Conrad”, and “The Telephone Hour,” Bye Bye Birdie is truly a sparkling spoof of everyday life done with a great fondness for the birth of the rock ‘n’ roll era.
CAST: Zi Alikhan, Travis Artz, Carole Ashley, Jay DeYonker, Caroline Dooner, Alex Goley, Mary Lane Haskell, Jacob Hoffman, Austin Hohnke,Christina King, Nikki Lewis, Hannah McGinley, Jenn Morris, Gillian Munsayac, BJ Olson, Emily Rose Prats, Cailan Robinson, Casey Rogers, Nicola Rossi, Lauren Alexandra Sowa, Sonnet Sparancio, Matt Steele, Traver Tischio, Hannah Whitney, and Matt Wood.