About This Show

The world famous Bread & Puppet Theatre is back at TNC. Their evening performances will be a double bill of World on Fire (a very cheerful show) and Daughter Courage. In World on Fire, a group of national emergency clowns demonstrate official reactions to the ultimate emergency. The music is by the Asymmetric Prisoner-of-War Orchestra, which consists of local volunteers and their conductor, the Fire Chief. Daughter Courage is the story of Rachel Corrie who died at the age of 23 in Palestine in 2003, as she tried to stop a bulldozer from destroying a Palestinian home. This show will feature a 40′ tall puppet. Inspired by ancient folk traditions, as well as classical artists like Goya, Massacio and Michelangelo, Bread & Puppet Theatre is renowned for 40 years of ambitious public events that take on a variety of social, political and environmental themes. Currently making their home in Vermont, Bread & Puppet tours extemsively and has appeared in North Africa, Venezuela, Australia, Italy, France, Poland, Yugoslavia and Taiwan. Peter Schumann directs.

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 30min (0 intermissions)
Dates: Opening Night: December 2, 2004 Final Performance: December 19, 2004
Location: Theater for the New City, New York City

155 1st Avenue,

New York,


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